YBAi Real Estate Leads: Where Old-School Hustle Meets Cutting-Edge Tech

Feeling like you're spinning your wheels in the endless chase for quality leads? We get it. We've been there. That's why we created YBAi.

What The Stats Say

Sure, we could bore you with stats about how agents who prospect daily make 150% more than those who don't. (Oops, did we just do that?)

But here's the real deal: success in real estate isn't just about having a fat stack of leads. It's about having the RIGHT leads and knowing how to work them.

That's where we come in.

We're not just some faceless tech company. We're a motley crew of real estate veterans, data nerds, and operations wizards:

Meet the Brains (and Hearts) Behind YBAi

The Been-There-Done-That Crew:

Our consultants are retired real estate pros who've walked miles in your shoes. They know the industry inside out and upside down.

The Data Detectives:

Our AI programmers and data scrapers are like kids in a candy store when it comes to collecting and curating data. They live for this stuff!

The Get-It-Done Gang:

Our operations team ensures your lead lists are delivered faster than you can say "closing time" - and with quality that'll knock your socks off.

AI: Our Secret Sauce (But Not Our Main Course)

AI is Great BUT It’s a Tool NOT a Solution

Let's clear something up: We love AI. It's cool, it's powerful, and it helps us dig up leads that others miss. But AI alone? It's like trying to sell a house with just pretty pictures and no actual conversations.

We believe in good old-fashioned elbow grease. Our AI is the shovel, but you're the one who needs to dig. We're just here to make sure you're digging in gold-rich soil.

What You Get With YBAi (Besides a Killer Lead List)

Exclusive Territory: We never give the same lead list to two agents. We build it just for you.

The Full Monty of Info: Property details, owner info, contact methods, MLS Listing link, last date sold, price range, if it’s owner-occupied or Investment property - we give you the works.

Multiple Ways to Connect: Because sometimes, the third phone number's the charm.

Pocket-Friendly Pricing: Top-shelf leads that won't cost an arm and a leg.

How It Works: From Order to Prospecting in 5 Easy Steps

1. Place Your Order

You specify the area you want to target it’s like ordering pizza, but way more profitable.

2. We Spring into Action

Our team of data ninjas and real estate gurus start crafting your custom lead list.

3. Your Lead List is Ready!

Within 2 business days (often sooner), you'll get a text or call (your choice) AND an email. It's like Christmas morning for real estate pros!

4. Invoice in a Flash

For orders over 250 leads, we'll need a 50% deposit. We'll send you an invoice. You make the payment. It's how we keep the magic flowing!

5. Delivered to your inbox

Your lead list will be delivered to your inbox in a easy to use spreadsheet. Time to turn those leads into listings!

Choose Your List

Solo maverick

250 Leads


Perfect for solo agents looking to boost their game.

  • $0.25/lead

  • Delivered in under 2 business days

  • Never shared with another agent

  • Everything you need to hit the ground running


In it to win it

500 Leads


Ideal for growing your listing base and take your career to the next level.

  • $0.20/lead

  • Delivered in under 2 business days

  • Never shared with another agent

  • Everything you need to keep the team busy


Pro Prospector

1000 Leads


For the ambitious agents/brokers on a mission to dominate the market

  • $0.20/lead

  • Delivered in under 2 business days

  • Never shared with another agent

  • Everything you need to dominate your area.


Choose Your List

Solo maverick

250 Leads


Perfect for solo agents looking to boost their game.

  • $0.25/lead

  • Delivered in under 2 business days

  • Never shared with another agent

  • Everything you need to hit the ground running


In it to win it

500 Leads


Ideal for growing your listing base and take your career to the next level.

  • $0.20/lead

  • Delivered in under 2 business days

  • Never shared with another agent

  • Everything you need to keep the team busy


Pro Prospector

1000 Leads


For the ambitious agents/brokers on a mission to dominate the market

  • $0.20/lead

  • Delivered in under 2 business days

  • Never shared with another agent

  • Everything you need to dominate your area.


Not Every Agent Succeeds: YBAi lists WORK if you use our WINNING Formula


Make prospecting as routine as your morning coffee.

Be Consistent

Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither is a real estate empire.


Every call makes you better. (Yes, even the awkward ones.)

Don’t Just Chase Listings. Create them!

“Success in real estate isn't just about today's deals—it's about building tomorrow's listings. Top agents know that some leads in your list are future gold mines, ready to sell in 6-12 months. By consistently nurturing these prospects, you're setting yourself up for steady, long-term success. This is how the pros do it, and with YBAi's affordable lead lists, you can too. Work your list diligently, keep in touch with potential sellers, and watch as today's leads become next year's lucrative listings. Don't leave money on the table—start building your future success today with YBAi.”

Rick James, YBAi Founder

Ready to Turn Our Leads Into Listings?

Don't let another day pass watching others snag the listings you deserve. Click below and let's get this real estate party started!

Remember, in real estate, the early bird gets the worm. But the second mouse gets the cheese. With YBAi, you get to be both - early AND smart.

P.S. While we're proud of our 90% accuracy rate, we always recommend double-checking info. We're good, but we're human, and if you have any problems just reach out we’re a friendly bunch.

© Copyright 2024. YBA Real Estate. All rights reserved.

Ready to Turn Our Leads Into Listings?

Don't let another day pass watching others snag the listings you deserve. Click below and let's get this real estate party started!

Remember, in real estate, the early bird gets the worm. But the second mouse gets the cheese. With YBAi, you get to be both - early AND smart.

P.S. While we're proud of our 90% accuracy rate, we always recommend double-checking info. We're good, but we're human, and if you have any problems just reach out we’re a friendly bunch.

© Copyright 2024. YBA Real Estate. All rights reserved.